The delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía in Cádiz, Ana Mestre; the general director of Social Economy and Autonomous Work, Susana Romero; the territorial delegate of Employment and Economy of the Board in Cádiz, Alberto Cremades; the territorial delegate of Education, Miguel Andreu; and the managing director of Andalucía Emprende, Rosa Siles, among other authorities, presided over the Andalusia Emprende awards ceremony on Wednesday in its provincial phase of Cádiz. The companies that have won the provincial award of these ‘VI Andalusia Emprende Awards’ in the province of Cadiz have been Verjim Animation Studio in the category of Creation – for projects with less than three years of life, and Omnium Lab in the category of Consolidation, for projects between three and seven years. Verjim has been supported by the CADE (Andalusian Center of Entrepreneurship) of Rota, while Omnium Lab has had the tutoring of the CADE of Algeciras.

These awards are promoted by the Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work, through Andalucía Emprende, and have the objective of recognizing the most innovative Andalusian companies with the greatest growth potential of those linked to the CADE network (Centros Andaluces of Entrepreneurship) of Andalucía Emprende.

The awards have the collaboration of the Minerva-Vodafone program, an initiative to promote technological entrepreneurship of the Ministry of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University and Vodafone Spain; Extenda and Unicaja Bank. Unicaja Banco has been represented by Francisco Javier Venzala; Minerva-Vodafone has had the presence of María del Valle Rubio; and, on the part of Extenda, Christian Gross has assisted.

The delegate of the Government of the Junta de Andalucía in the province of Cádiz, Ana Mestre, stressed that the province of Cadiz has been the one that has contributed the most to these awards. Specifically, 66 projects for the creation phase, representing 24% of the total Andalusian; practically, one out of four that appeared throughout Andalusia. And 27 candidate companies in the consolidation phase. These accounts for 30.3% of all Andalusians in their category, which represents almost one out of every three candidates in the community.

The delegate of the Government has also put in value the figures that support the work performed in the CADE, since the survival rate of projects supervised from these Andalusian Centers of Entrepreneurship is almost 9% higher than that of those companies that are born without support of these centers of the Junta de Andalucía.

Also, Ana Mestre has stressed the importance of public-private collaboration “provided that it is put to good use to make the resources of our land more powerful. It is important that together we make a cushion cushion for business projects, as well as create synergies that allow us to be accomplices of everything that will create employment.

Finally, Ana Mestre has dedicated words of admiration for the enterprising people, to whom she has said that, without them, “this society would be nothing. I know what it costs to start a project and stay. ” In this regard, the delegate has offered entrepreneurs the resources of the Andalusian Government in the province.